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In review: featured books and websites

Overcoming Chronic Fatigue in Young People: A cognitive-behavioural self-help guide and Mindfulness for Carers: How to manage the demands of caregiving while finding a place for yourself.

Featured book

Overcoming Chronic Fatigue in Young People: A cognitive-behavioural self-help guide Katharine Rimes and Trudie Chalder

This book was a joy to read for someone who is a great believer in self-management and taking some degree of responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. Well laid out from start to finish, it begins with an appraisal of what chronic fatigue syndrome is and what is known, and not known, about the condition. Refreshingly honest, it had me hooked from the outset.
The remaining chapters cover some areas that are frequently missed in people with long-term conditions. One example is sleep and here the authors offer practical advice on activity management. Among other things, the use of activity diaries is suggested.
The authors broach other elements that are common to many people with chronic fatigue syndrome and other long-term conditions. Attitudes, thoughts, stress, anxiety and dealing with other people are all covered sensitively, practically and comprehensively.
Given that this book is directed at young people, it was pleasing to see that it offered advice regarding school, as the impact this condition has on children and young people at school and among their peers is often not appreciated.
The chapter dedicated to parents and caregivers is a reminder that whole families can be affected, and the approach to improved management of this condition should also involve whole families. Perhaps the only aspect that was missing was a chapter aimed at siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
All joking aside though, I really enjoyed the approach of this book and struggle to find anything negative about it. I suppose the only factor I cannot account for is whether young people themselves will engage with the book, given that this would require a degree of motivation.
However, with those readers who are engaged, this will prove to be an invaluable guide and one I highly recommend.
  • Paul Cameron, national chronic pain coordinator, Scottish government and clinical lead physiotherapist, NHS Fife

Mindfulness for Carers: How to manage the demands of caregiving while finding a place for yourself: Cheryl Rezek

Simple mindfulness techniques can help to combat the stress, anxiety and burnout that can accompany caring for people with physical, psychological or emotional needs, the authors suggest.

Tackling Disability Discrimination and Disability Hate Crime: A multidisciplinary guide Robina Shah and Paul Giannasi (eds)

A comprehensive multidisciplinary guide to disability discrimination and disability hate crime. The authors outline the best ways to respond.

On Being a Mentor: A guide for higher education faculty (2nd ed) W Brad Johnson

This book is billed as being the definitive guide to the art and science of engaging students and faculty in effective mentoring relationships. The author reviews the strategies, guidelines and best practices for those who want to excel as mentors.

Getting Better Bite by Bite: A survival kit for sufferers of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders (2nd ed) Ulrike Schmidt, Janet Treasure and June Alexander

This book was produced to provide step-by-step guidance for change, based on solid research and using everyday language.


VitalSigns is the new website and app that aims to help NHS staff stay fit, healthy and informed. The website offers tips, advice and information to keep members of staff on track with health, work and play.

The ‘health tools’ and ‘work  tools’ tabs enable users to  access a range of features that promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Stuart Palma, CSP professional adviser
Frontline and various

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