Could you be a voice for associates at your workplace?

Claire McIntire-Welsh, Therapy Assistant and CSP Steward, sat down with Daisy Goodall, CSP Organiser for the North East, to talk about Claire's first months in the role. 


Head and shoulders photo of Claire, submitted by Claire.

Claire is a Therapy Assistant and CSP Steward for Gateshead NHS Trust. 

I decided to join the CSP as an Associate Member in 2023. This year, Daisy and Ian came to visit us at Queen Elizabeth Hospital to meet with staff and recruit for stewards and safety reps. I went along. I was intrigued to find out what the role consisted of. However, my first question was 'Are these roles only for qualified members of staff?'

To my delight, I was advised that all CSP members at any level could become stewards or reps; I decided there and then that I wanted to be a voice for the associates and assistants at my trust. We did not have anyone previously. I felt we needed representation, especially in today’s workplace because of the financial climate due to cost of living, how it is affecting everyone and any other problems we all may face in the future. 

All CSP members at any level can become stewards and safety reps

This is all new territory for me, and I am excited to learn more about the role and to build confidence in my knowledge and myself. 

I hope to be a valued member of the team and help others when needed, and to share any wisdom I have to new starters in this field. 

Please share this blog post with any assistants at your place of work and ask them to consider a CSP rep role!

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