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Guidance for NHS Scotland Staff and Managers on Coronavirus

Web link to a Director’s Letter that publicises a single national guidance document for NHS Scotland staff and managers on coronavirus.

This latest guidance will be accessible online: 

The aim of this guidance is to direct staff to verified sources of advice, on a range of issues and staff concerns that have been raised during this challenging and unprecedented situation. 

The guidance will be regularly reviewed as the scientific and clinical advice changes, and will be maintained and version-controlled by Health Workforce colleagues, with input from the Workforce Senior Leadership Group which meets daily. This will not be reissued formally when updates are made but the latest version and the date it was updated will be made clear on the electronic version. 

Please note:

  • The guidance summarises current PPE advice. We are aware that this is being reviewed by the four nations, and changes to existing guidance are due to be announced in the next couple of days. We will update the document as soon as we are aware of any changes, and will note this in the version control changes. We will not reissue the guidance.
  • The guidance also refers to “Guidance for Health and Social Care and Emergency Workers with Underlying Health Conditions”. This guidance was produced by the Clinical Cell and issued on behalf of the Chief Medical Officer on the 21st March. This is also a live document, and you should use the online version to ensure you have the latest information. This was last updated on 30th March.

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