The CSP office will be closed between Christmas and New Year (25 December-2 January).  If you need urgent advice during this period visit "Advice for members during the holiday closure"

Get up and go codi a mynd - Welsh version

Welsh version available to download and buy

Video – the timed up and go test

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Falls are not an inevitable part of ageing.

In the video above, Audrey Ricahardson and Louise McGregor demonstrate the timed up and go test, which helps to assess whether a person is at an increased risk of falls.

This is one way to assess a person's falls risk, but it you're concerned about falling, the CSP recommends you seek a full and comprehensive falls assessment from a qualified healthcare professional.

Further Information on the standardised timed up and go test is provided by Agile, the network for chartered physiotherapists working with older people.

Booklet – get up and go

Published as part of Older People’s Day, the booklet below tackles common myths about falling.

A checklist helps you to decide whether you're at risk and there's plenty of advice on how you can reduce your chances of having a fall by improving your balance, muscle strength and more.

The booklet has been produced by CSP with Saga and Public Health England.