Event Details

Online event

Event Organiser

Organiser name:

West Midlands regional network

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Event registrations

The CSP West Midlands Regional Network is made up of a group of CSP members who volunteer their time to promote the profession locally and provide opportunities for members to connect, network and develop professionally.
The team extends a very warm welcome to any CSP Member (Student, Associate, Full, Retired) who would like to join the team and assist with planning member events for 2025.
This online event will give you the opportunity to hear what the network has achieved over the past year and contribute ideas to planning for 2025.
The event will also have some time dedicated to a listening to members session - open to all CSP Members in the region to contribute and share their concerns/insight/experience and ideas to help with the network's planning for the year (you dont have to volunteer for the network to contribute to this session - all CSP members welcome).

We look forward to welcoming you and if you are interested in joining the CSP West Midlands Network and would like more info in advance of the event please email Mindy Dalloway, CSP Campaigns and Regional Engagement Officer for the West Midlands, dallowaym@csp.org.uk