ER-WCPT: Don't treat all patients the same, says incoming WCPT chief exec
While physios need to look at how they provide equality in the services they offer, that doesn't mean all people should be treated as equal, Jonathon Kruger, recently appointed chief executive at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, told delegates.
ER-WCPT: Go beyond just embracing the technology revolution, says professor
Physios and other health care professionals need to go one step further than just using new technology for their patients. They also need to change patterns of working to reflect the possibilities for healthcare delivery that such innovations offer.
ER-WCPT: Dublin dean talks of tool to help with wearable tech pilots
Brian Caulfield, dean of physiotherapy at University College Dublin, warned physiotherapists to be extremely cautious about including activity sensors into their practice.
ER-WCPT: Physios can prevent early death in mentally ill people
Physiotherapists can help address the scandal of premature mortality among people with mental illness, said Brendon Stubbs, head of physiotherapy at South London and the Maudsley NHS Trust.
ER-WCPT: Physios have the ‘golden bullet’ to fight frailty, say researchers
Physical therapists will increasingly need to tackle the ‘complex phenomenon’ of frailty, according to the work of leading researchers from across Europe.